Help travelers make a positive impact with every trip and make some cash while you are at it
As a Myght affiliate partner, you have the opportunity to connect create change by sharing our network with yours. We are the world’s first responsible travel network.
The Myght Affiliate Program is free and easy to become a partner! There are no fees attached, and our affiliate program is straightforward and easy to implement.
Join our mission to diversify tourism and help travel become a force for good
Through our email responsible affiliate program you’re not only earning extra money for you and your family, you’re also helping create positive change in the travel industry. You are helping us diversify the travel industry and allowing our boutique agency create powerful and unique travel experiences.
Here’s how our affiliate program works:
Sign Up
Anyone can join the Myght affiliate program. Seriously, you don’t even need to be a Myght traveler to promote Travel with Myght. But to be a successful affiliate, you must believe and have an audience who value sustainable travel, yet need a way to make responsible travel easy.
Share with your audience
To earn that sweet commission, all you need to do is start sharing the custom link we send you in all the right places. We've created helpful resources to help you share.
We send you a 20% commission for every person who Shops or Travel with Myght through your affiliate link. Please note that this is on net earnings for Myght. Please review terms here.